Web Development

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Rebecca's House

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel ligula laoreet, ultrices dui in, tincidunt sapien. Nam erat eros, condimentum sed dolor sit amet, sollicitudin tincidunt massa. Donec egestas tellus eu ullamcorper eleifend. Sed posuere hendrerit magna, ut egestas sapien eleifend vel. Duis ut nibh a tellus convallis viverra. Quisque lobortis diam magna, tristique congue ligula feugiat vel. Vivamus eget iaculis augue. Ut varius velit dolor, eu fringilla sem facilisis dictum. Aliquam fringilla aliquet mi in molestie. Ut id accumsan odio.

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AceOnline Medical Courses

Indentity Design and UI design

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Motion/Tribe is a company of seasoned professionals with a spectrum of skills and talents who collaborate with Artistic Director Marie de la Palme to bring her concepts and choreographic vision to life.

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Architects Laguaña, LLC

Web Development on Drupal CMS.

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The Boston Landing

Web development on Drupal CMS.

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Alexandros Furs

Alexandros is not your typical fur boutique. Where other salons tend to be very conservative, they go the extra mile to set themselves apart.


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Guam Women’s Chamber of Commerce

The Guam Women's Chamber of Commerce envisions that Guam will be an island community that brings about an economy that is driven and influenced by the equal participation of women in business, commerce and trade. I built their website as a platform to keep their members informed, enabling staff to post post news, events and updates. After handing over the site to GWCC, they now handle all their content creation.

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E-commerce website with hand-picked Italian brands.

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Mothering Guahan

A project by Leiana S. A. Naholowaʻa, Mothering Guahan is a film that seeks to explore unique cultural aspects of Chamorro indigenous values of feminine empowerment and authority – and how it has been preserved or diminished – as embodied in mothers and mothering, which allows an intergenerational understanding of Chamorro women and families’ experiences in a landscape that is increasingly changing.

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Hongga Mo'na

Hongga Mo’na means “for the future” in Chamorro (the indigenous language of Guam).

This project serves as a repository for oral histories of key figures in Chamorro history. These accounts are now preserved for the future and the project's vision is that this collection of stories grows.

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